Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Verse 44: The Ninth Weekly Update

At Project Endlovu, this week has been eventful. All the dry walls upstairs of the community center are smoothened and painted; however, we're short of two boards to fully finish it. The floor is complete in the medical clinic. Robert and I put in Work-tops in the doctor's office and the pharmacy. We cut an opening in the pharmacy room where the medicines and prescriptions are exchanged. In the doctor's office, we installed a sink; the plumbing is yet to be done.

The plan for next week is to install a couple of toilets and build the enclosure just outside of the community center. We'd still have to negotiate with our neighbours to use the space.

Highlight of the week:
Spending a couple of nights at Robert's house with him and his family. I've experienced the legendary cooking of Robert's wife.

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