Monday, July 12, 2010

Verse 40: The Eighth Weekly Update

At Project Endlovu, this week we saw a lot of changes. On Monday, our workforce was reduced as the two ladies, Monica and Taliswa, and Twanna were asked to work here no more. I saw it coming; though as much as I want to keep them on a personal level, I have no say in it.

On the construction side of things, we built a concrete bench along the front wall of the community center. On the second floor, we are very close to finishing putting up the dry walls. There are 6 rooms: a tuck shop, a rec room, three activity room, and a conference hall. Some of the boards have been plastered and smoothened, the rest will be finished next week.

In the medical clinic, professionals are hired to complete the floors. They're looking good.

-I may extend my stay at Project Endlovu for a couple more weeks. Di, the CEO of Shaster Foundation, is looking to postpone my flight. She's going to cover all the costs for me to stay a bit longer because of the increased productivity I've brought to the project.

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