Saturday, June 19, 2010

Verse 19: Poo, Poo, and More Poo...

Myles and Guillaume left on Morning, it is back to just me and Anna; our house suddenly became a lot quieter. The project carried on as always. Now that the walls are up, it feels like not much is getting done because we're working on the details.

Today wasn't my day. My patience ran low with plastering. I felt enervated and anxious, a terrible combination. I attempted to fix our water geyser from keep blowing out - that failed miserably, although the idea is sound. At night, I cooked dinner for the two of us. My veggie stir fry turned out surprisingly well, but the rice was a complete disaster. How's that for a day?

It wasn't THAT bad I guess, I've had worse days. Anna made my mood a bit better and I was quite content because I prepared the meat for tomorrow night's BBQ party (Anna and I thought it was a great idea to invite all the workers to come, only Mpe-Mpe and Abongs are preoccupied).

We'll see how good a day Thursday, June 10th will be

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