wasn't so bad after all. I've had a really good conversation with a guy throughout the entire time; it made the 2-hour wait seem momentary.
So what good is waiting? Well, imagine life without the wait. Not only it'd be chaotic, there will be no life.
Picture a day when you don't have to wait for anything. All green-lights from home to school or your work, no more waiting for the ladies enter before you do, no more waiting in the elevator. Sounds good to me, but in fact, if you eliminate any sort of waiting, you'd teleport to your office, and that weekly or biweekly cheque for alllll your hard work you've been waiting for? Boom, it's instantaneously deposited into your bank, no more waiting in line at the bank. And that day you meet a special someone? That'd be now, no more waiting! As a bonus, you two get married, have kid, and all the sudden, they're in college and you're planning retirement..but as soon as you planned that, you're dead. Time didn't wait for you... As you can see, the ideas are starting to get a "little" pathetic.
Without waiting, there ceases to be the existence of time; but I'll leave that for someone mathematician to prove.
Without waiting, there will not be that anticipation for Christmas morning when you open the box with an iPhone inside, or that that heart-pausing suspense as you sit uncomfortably at your desk waiting to see your grades on that English paper, or the nerve-wrecking when you see a long separated someone. Waiting makes us appreciative of these moments, be it worthwhile or a waste of time.
There are certain moments we wait for, I'm pretty sure you have many of your own that you're thinking of right now. As "painful" as the wait could be, waiting gives rise to opportunities to those who are prepared to take the risk. We are constantly waiting for the right moment..the right moment to speak, the critical moment to stand up, the exact moment to act, and that moment to... the one you've been waiting for since you're 15.
It could be as a simple conversation with a friend you have just met while waiting for a bus, or the proposal that could increase the company profit by 400% that you've prepared for months to the board of directors , what we decide to do during the time we wait..that's when this thing called "life" takes place.
Hi Pie Man, I really like this post! It's so........ah! I love it!