I waited in line to get my breakfast this morning, waited in another line to pay for my breakfast. I waited for the light to turn green to cross the road, waited for the masses to get out before entering Maass 100. I waited for the next lecture to finish, waited for the last lecture to end. Then I waited a bit more at the Metro station, waited a little longer to get to my destination.
The wait for sunset didn't seem long over the engagement in the Fifth Dimension, though disrupted by the wearing of my body couldn't wait to receive a little supper. But I waited..waited for the sky to darken, the air to shrink, the moon to rise... I waited for the clock to strike twelve, then pick up some grocery on my way home. I'm waiting at the terminal for bus transfer, sitting down, writing this, and waiting for the last train to come.
The midnight commuters carry a common sober look; their countenance says it all about the day's happening... Their slight lean against the poles of the train, just to buy a little comfort while waiting a few minutes until they get home, and wait for the sunrise to start fresh another day in their lives.
We wait for everything.
Waiting for that day, for that person
perhaps someone to enter our life
perhaps a special someone to love.
While we wait, someone, too, await us
But the wait will be over one day,
At a random place, a random time
As she says,
"What took you so long.."
Beautiful.. :)