I'll begin with a definition of "dimension": property of space ( Mathematically, there exists a 4-Dimensional world. While modern physics theories have suggested up to 12 dimensions, I'm not getting into that. Five is enough for me.
We start with 1D, it's simply a virtual point. Take a point on a Cartesian plane for instance, the point (4,3) is not the same as (3.999999, 3.000001). One could extend this argument that a point is finite, therefore infinitely small change to it entirely changes the property of the point. The "Big Bang" theory gave rise to the concept of compacting infinity into a point in space. Therefore a point is infinitely small or infinitely large, depending on its parameters.
2D is simply a plane, 3D is the dimension of the world we live in; we can mathematically represent any physical object. As an analogy, 3D maps "what is where"; for example, a treasure box with width of 20cm, length 40cm, and height of 50cm, is located at the location (400, 300, -20).
Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity brings 4th Dimension into consideration. The 4th Dimension is somewhat non-trivial, it consists the property of time. One can think of the 4th dimension as the independent variable that corresponds to a 3D representation at that instant. Take the previous example, the 4D addition would be, "The treasure box....on January 8th, 1991.
Now... the fifth.
Though the 4D is sufficient to map "What is where at what time, up to now", it did not take in the account of the human mind. I shall introduce the 5th Dimension in PART II

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