Monday morning, Wanda the driver picked me up from the hostel. From there, we went on to pick up another volunteer, Anna. Wanda drove through a scenic route around the Table Mountain which I will one day atop. We talked about Cape Town, South Africa, the township, music, and other stuff. Once we kidnapped Anna from a hostel called Ashanti, we were on our way to Khayelitsha, the township, my life for the next 10 weeks.
Tin shacks, wooden boards, dirty sand, these are pretty much the most common things a visitor sees in the township; my use of language is obviously inferior to a photograph. See for yourself.
Anna had been here 4 weeks prior to my arrival, so she showed me the place around, what project is ongoing, what's to be done, our guest house, bedrooms, kitchen etc. you know, the stuff you go through when you go to a new place. After the brief orientation, we had lunch where I met Buyiswa and Hazel, two lovely middle aged African women who are a major force behind this project. What did I have for lunch you ask? Traditional African meal consisting of barley, beans, etc, it wasn't bad at all. In the afternoon, Anna put us straight to work in a room soon to be a medical clinic - the number one priority at the moment.
Before 5PM, my day 1 of work has completed, we finished painting two walls in the clinic (that is yet to be built). Anna advised me to shower before sunset since our shower runs on direct solar heating. So I did, down the drain went all the sweat and stress accumulated over the last lil while. I slipped on some clean shirt and shorts, stood on the balcony over looking the area. The sun was still up, gently drying my hair.
I could get used to this place.
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