But Anna left Project Endlovu on Wednesday.
Anna is one of those people you meet, won't see again, but won't forget. Grew up in Germany, now live in Australia, she has rich travel and life experiences that would invoke series of "tell me more". She's certainly not one of those girls who are over-cautious and non-independent. Living with her for a month has made me more grown-up. The wild Pete was often pulled back from doing silly things with high risk and low reward. But when we go out, Anna (who's well into her 20s) turns into a college girl. Last Saturday, the adventurous side of us took us on a trip from Cape Town to Khayelitsha by public transportation, which is really a faux-pas due to safety issues. It took us 2 hours, or 4 times the normal time, but we did it.
Anna's departure left me to be the most experienced volunteer. For being a great roommate, on her last night at the project, I cooked us a meal, a nice one too, featuring that special chicken I make. Just so often we talk about our experiences at the project. Both of us had a knack for the Xhosa culture. Being a psychology major, she gave me insights to better understand this complicated community.
Anna is going to be missed dearly by a lot of people here. Who's going to serve food from the soup kitchen now? Who's going to write/fix resume and CVs for the townspeople?
It'll take me a few days to adjust my life without Anna.

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