Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Friday Flow

Woke up at seven
Felt the morning twist
Snapped my watch
Right on my wrist
Brushed up
Washed up
Ready to put on a show
Locked the door
Walked the floor
I was ready to go

Grabbed a muffin
a coffee
from Bee-Em-Ehchb (BMH)
Down the hill I went
On a lingering stroll
The fresh air
Clean hair
Being undoubtedly flair
like a new wall
Clean stall
make the bathroom glare

13km per hour
chilly wind blew
North to south,
a flock of geese flew

Now sitting alone
in this lecture hall
Waiting for econ
class to begin

Took out my pen
And scribbled down a verse
And a verse and a verse
Right after a verse
Them verses combine
Pieced into a poem
A space they confine
Some call it a home

Now that prof's here
I better go
Another lecture
A conjecture
To get with the flow
I hope you too
are enjoying this day
Watch out - stay safe
Avoid swine flu

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