Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The World Through My Apartment Window

Look at the snow flakes,
In the world outside my window
Infinitely tiny,
Disappears upon the the slightest touch

Submission to gravity
Fall and fall, they fall
Down and down they go
While glittering,
Sparkling under the moody light

On the ground they stay
Atop of each other they lay
Higher and higher they build
For the temperature is right, tonight
Without the distraction of sunlight

Heavier the wind blew
Faster and faster they flew
Flipping and turning
Spreading the snow
Covering every inch of the ground

Deep into the night,
All that is from heaven came
The dark cloud disappears
Entailing a peaceful dreamy night
In a white world...

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is such an "innocent" poem Peter :P
