I suppose nature takes time to adjust, from summer to fall. I, too, am making the same transition.
There're moments in days when I get flashbacks of my summer travels; the days when I have total control of my destiny and destination. There're people I miss and days I reminisce. I thought about a lot of things when I was out on the road, one of them being about 'moving on'.
Life happens fast, chances and misses go by ever-so-often. We love the things we hang-on to, and hang on to the things we love. Such dilemma is there to choose, how are we to live life fully if all we ever want are things we already have? But if so, how are infinite desires to be satisfied?
Desperately searching and with nature's inspiration, I found a compromise.
In your travels, you'll form special connection with particular places and people. Enjoy the moment while it lasts, then let go and move on for there are many more places to see, people to meet. Desire comes with age; at different age there's different desire. Having desire is to have personal goals, the infinite desire is therefore not greed, but essence to live an eventful and meaningful life. So never let the past dictate you, rather let the future inspire you. Forget about the unhappiness, move on from the friendships that sunk and things that don't work. With time, truth will withstand. Truthfuls will always hang onto you.
As temperature drops lower and lower with consecutive rainfall, I can sense the nature letting go the vibrancy and brilliance of summer. Leaves on the trees are letting go of their green summer coat, for in the spring, they shall receive a new one. Summer of 2010 has been memorable. But I've moved on.
So here I am sitting on my balcony, drinking a glass of wine, and watching the city lights and cars go by. I'm back; back in Montreal, back to McGill, and tomorrow, I'll be back to that 8th row seat in Maass Auditorium.
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