To begin, the five guys from US Military Academy at West Point have been great buddies to work and live with. Their "super human strength" has helped me quite a lot with many things that invovled pure muscle power. With those guys on board, we got a lot done in the community center; all the walls are sanded and got their final coating in one day. At night, we spent the hours playing condom-poker, telling stories, them sharing their military experiences, and of course, laughing.
Midway through the week, the interior designer who decorated the guest house and a photo journalist visited us and stayed for a night. After dinner we sat around for a solid night of meaningful conversations. We all gave our thoughts on the topics of racism and ethnicity.
On Friday we welcomed an American family of four coming from Boston to our guest house. Jim and Sarah, the parents, have MIT backgrounds and are highly knowledgeable in field of eco-construction and greenbuilding. In fact, it is THAT that brought them to the outskirt of Cape Town. Their two sons, Gage and Maxx, are students around my age; Gage is an exchange student to University of Cape Town. Since they came on a weekend when the project is on-hold, we weren't fortunate to benefit from their expertise. Nevertheless, I've enjoyed their company very much. I shared with them many of my experiences here at the township to give them a sense what it would be like had they stayed longer.
It sure is exciting to see new faces here! I wish you all could come for a visit!
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