Oh I have a lil story to tell you, the guy who sat beside me was playing his PSP and ran out of power. He plugged the power supply to the socket on the seat and it didn't work. Me, being a cold person that I always am, offered him my socket, and it worked. Then I saw that he was playing FIFA World Cup 2010, so I told him I was heading to Cape Town, possibly see a match or two. His eyes brightened; turned out he lives in Cape Town, travels back and forth to Sasketchewan (did I spell that right?) for work. We chatted about soccer a bit, about Cape Town, South Africa, his plans at Dubai. At the end of the flight, he gave me his contact information and a verbal dinner invitation at his home in Cape Town. "Dr. Mohamad Ally", try to picture what he looks like, you're probably close.
Annnnnnnyways. Emirates is a nice airline I find. The stewarts are super friendly, or perhaps I am charmed by their British accent. My flight to Dubai is almost 13 hours long; 3 movies, 2 meals, 1 Coldplay album made it seem like nothing. Before I know it, I was getting weary from thinking about the last lil while...
Departure is never an easy thing. I was only home for a week before being called away, had to say Good Bye to my family so soon. Trips like this one could be a lil selfish. My parents were in a huge dilema; one hand, they know the risks involved, but on the other, they respect my decision to live my life and experience the world. After all, what's like without some risks?
There's an ancient Chinese proverb that says "Reading tens of thousands of books isn't as good as journeying a thousand miles on the road" (Damn English, turns something so poetic in Chinese into cheese). A girl recently reminded me of this proverb; I feel its validity. Traveling alone certainly makes me feel mature, or perhaps it's because the way people address me as "Sir". We'll see what 10 weeks will do.
P.S. Today I watched "Juno" for the first time, and I just realized something that I should've known 2 years ago.
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