Ever wonder what we'd be able to do if there are no brick walls? No fences, no gates to stop people from going anywhere. No brick walls to keep people from coming in, or going out - literally, and figuratively.
I recently hit a brick wall known as 'Professor Levitin's "Introduction to Psychology" course or commonly known on campus as "PSYC100" - a course I took for the heck of it because I was rarely exposed to it ;) Good times I had in the class but the 'not-so-good time' came last night when I discovered that I earned a C+ on the final that accounted for 100% of my course mark. And because of that, I am on my way out of the Loranian Circle, along with $75,000 in scholarship.
I don't know whether it's my lack of urgency or coolheaded-composure, I don't feel at all being affected by crashing the latest "brick wall". Personally, I feel I wouldn't have done any better if I were given a day or a month extra time to study.
It's sure tough to run into brick walls, but they're there for a reason. Brick walls are supposed to be there to keep people out. They're there to ensure the people who come in are in the right place. Will the C+ discourage me from taking another interesting psychology course in the future? No. But will I major in psychology? Ha! Maybe in the next life!
Forget about being "the next Einstein", how about I be the first "Peter Guo"?
Now, I need to earn back my Loranian status.
Thanks everyone for all the support you've given me ;)
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