I recently hit a brick wall known as 'Professor Levitin's "Introduction to Psychology" course or commonly known on campus as "PSYC100" - a course I took for the heck of it because I was rarely exposed to it ;) Good times I had in the class but the 'not-so-good time' came last night when I discovered that I earned a C+ on the final that accounted for 100% of my course mark. And because of that, I am on my way out of the Loranian Circle, along with $75,000 in scholarship.
I don't know whether it's my lack of urgency or coolheaded-composure, I don't feel at all being affected by crashing the latest "brick wall". Personally, I feel I wouldn't have done any better if I were given a day or a month extra time to study.
It's sure tough to run into brick walls, but they're there for a reason. Brick walls are supposed to be there to keep people out. They're there to ensure the people who come in are in the right place. Will the C+ discourage me from taking another interesting psychology course in the future? No. But will I major in psychology? Ha! Maybe in the next life!
Forget about being "the next Einstein", how about I be the first "Peter Guo"?
Now, I need to earn back my Loranian status.
Thanks everyone for all the support you've given me ;)

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