Sitting here by my bed 600KM away from Molson Hall, I'm once again to enjoy mom's cooking, and the battle against dad on the chessboard. I'm back to having talks over a beer, in Mandarin, on subjects stretching from atoms and molecules, to galaxy, astronomy; ancient histories, to global economy. Laying back, catching up, watching some good ol' television whose existence ceased in the 4 months leading up to now. And of course...there are also the old pals from the not-so-long-ago high school.. FML? I think not.
It's a neat break to get away from the college life, especially the last few weeks of exams and late-night studies. While McGill taught me arts and sciences, Montreal taught me "applied sociology" through its daily excitement and lively night-life. Semester one was the chapter of the riskiness, ruthless endeavors and the absolute liberty to pursue freedom in exchange for a lower GPA and loss of scholarship.
But hey, it's Christmas.
Obama's on vacation, so am I ;)