Friday, April 30, 2010

The Late April Campus Scene

The subtle hints of summer
Spread over the late April campus
Fair weather, centered a gorgeous sun
The tiny tip of tender buds
Peeking in the gentle showers
Blossoming to be May flowers

The urgency of examination
Spread over the late April campus
The unceding neon light
Shining midlight library bright
Deep into the night
Reaching for extra height

The peace and cavalier
Spread over the Late April campus
Frisbees afloat, as soccer balls roll
Basking bodies dotting across the Beach
Debate Voltaire, Hobbes, and also Niesche
From such, from which, truth behold

New visitors, future Martlets
Spread over the Late April campus
Some have chosen, some yet choose
Concise advice, the current telling the new
This charming school that we adore
McGill's the place forever more

written @ the lower field

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